عروض عمل

الأحدات القادمة




Local Governance delivery Specialist

For a potential development project in the Marrakech Safi region, “Deloitte Conseil Maroc” is seeking qualified candidates for a Local Governance delivery Specialist position. For more information, please find attached the terms of reference. In


GESI Specialist

For a potential development project in the Marrakech Safi region, “Deloitte Conseil Maroc” is seeking qualified candidates for a Gender Equity & Social Inclusion Specialist position. For more information, please find attached the terms of


Economic Growth delivery Specialist

For a potential development project in the Marrakech Safi region, “Deloitte Conseil Maroc” is seeking qualified candidates for an Economic Growth delivery Specialist position. For more information, please find attached the terms of reference. In


CSO & NGO Specialist

For a potential development project in the Marrakech Safi region, “Deloitte Conseil Maroc” is seeking qualified candidates for a Civil Society Organization & Non-Governmental Organization Specialist position. For more information, please find attached the terms


Coachs d’emploi

Contexte Avec l’accord et la supervision du Ministère Fédéral Allemand de la Coopération Economique et du Développement (ci-après dénommé “BMZ”) en tant que bailleur de fonds et son intermédiaire sequa gGmbH, les partenaires ont signé


بلاغ 08 مارس 2022: المساواة الفعلية أساس التنمية المستدامة

تخلد الجمعية الديمقراطية لنساء المغرب اليوم العالمي للمرأة 08 مارس 2022 إلى جانب القوى الحقوقية و الديمقراطية وإذ تعتبر تخليد هذا اليوم محطة لتقييم مدى تمتع النساء بحقوقهن ومناسبة لإبراز ما تحقق من مكتسبات ولتشخيص
