Offres d’emploi
Offres d’emploi
Coordinateur des opérations
INJAZ Al Maghrib s’est assignée la mission de stimuler l’esprit d’initiative, de développer les compétences entrepreneuriales des jeunes marocains et de les préparer aux challenges de la vie active. INJAZ Al Maghrib intervient à l’échelle
Reporting / Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer
For a potential development project in the Marrakech Safi region, “Deloitte Conseil Maroc” is seeking qualified candidates for a Reporting / Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer position. For more information, please find attached the terms
Outreach & Communications Specialist
For a potential development project in the Marrakech Safi region, “Deloitte Conseil Maroc” is seeking qualified candidates for an Outreach & Communications Specialist position. For more information, please find attached the terms of reference. In
Chief of Party
For a potential development project in the Marrakech Safi region, “Deloitte Conseil Maroc” is seeking qualified candidates for a Chief of Party position. For more information, please find attached the terms of reference. In case
Administrative and Finance Manager
For a potential development project in the Marrakech Safi region, “Deloitte Conseil Maroc” is seeking qualified candidates for an Administrative and Finance Manager position. For more information, please find attached the terms of reference. In
Snr Human Resources Associate
Le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés au Maroc recrute : • Un(e) Snr Human Resources Associate , Rabat, Maroc, Position 10015651/ Job opening ID: 33925 • Ci-après le lien pour pouvoir postuler :
Chargé(e) de projets
Créée en 2009, l’association AMANE1 a pour mission de lutter contre les violences sexuelles dont sont victimes les enfants, à travers le renforcement des capacités, la sensibilisation et le plaidoyer en vue d’améliorer la prévention
إعطاء انطلاقة برنامج "خطوة" بإقليم الحاجب
07 Feb @ 12:00 11:59الشباب المغربي: الأولويات والتحديات
25 Jan @ 12:00 11:59المنتدى المدني الأورو-متوسطي الأول حول المناخ
21 Dec @ 12:00 11:59ARCHIVE
Offres d’emploi