Institutional consultancy to implement qualitative research about child online sexual violence

UNICEF Innocenti is seeking qualified institutions (e.g. universities, consultancy firms, research agencies, etc.) to implement clinical and qualitative research activities:

These activities include:

1. Identify and conduct a total of 60 interviews with:

a. young people (16-24 years) who have experienced online sexual violence (target: 30 interviews).

b. frontline social support workers (e.g., social workers, psychotherapists, helpline workers) who have worked with cases of online child sexual abuse (target: 15 interviews).

c. justice professionals (e.g., lawyers, prosecutors, judges, customary and informal justice actors) who have worked with cases of online child sexual abuse (target: 15 interviews).

2. Transcribe all the interviews, code and analyze them according to a pre-defined protocol.

3. Write a report that synthesizes the results, main findings and conclusions.

The tools for conducting the interviews will be provided by UNICEF Innocenti and follow a journey mapping methodology. The contractor does not have to design the tools but is expected to work with UNICEF Innocenti to contextualize them (e.g., identify country specific professional bodies, adapt recruitment strategies, translate consent forms and interview guides in the local language/s).

Training on how to conduct the interviews using the tools will be provided by UNICEF Innocenti, either in person or online, depending on local circumstances.

These activities will be conducted in each of the 12 countries. Institutions are eligible to apply to conduct fieldwork in more than one country; please indicate as part of your proposal which country/countries you are able to conduct fieldwork in.