Field Manager

  • Job title: Field Manager
  • Reports to: Deputy Chief of Party
  • Start date: November 1, 2021
  • Working hours: 40 hours/week
  • Location: TBD


The Field Manager shall primarily work on the USAID Religious and Ethnic Minorities Activity (REMA), which is implemented by the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) and its partners in Morocco. REMA collaboratively develops and pioneers a unique intercultural approach to the participatory and educational preservation of Morocco’s identity heritage. It is implemented in five key locations of renowned significance to both Jewish and Christian heritage in Morocco, inclusive of former and current residents of all faiths and backgrounds. The program aims to engage local communities in Morocco to capture, preserve, and transmit their collective memories in order for them to take ownership in the vitalization of their own histories, identities, and futures.

The Field Manager works closely with the Deputy Chief of Party and other REMA program staff to ensure the smooth operation and effective implementation of the program. They directly supervise and manage the activities and outputs of four roving Field Coordinators who conduct workshops and collect stories from communities in REMA’s three target regions and others in Morocco.