Research Manager

Organization: J-PAL Middle East and North Africa, Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD) at Harvard Kennedy School and the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS)
Country: Morocco
Education: Master’s, Other advanced degree
Start Date (earliest): May 1, 2022
Language Requirement: French and English (Arabic preferred)
Length of Commitment: One year, renewable

Job Description

The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD) at Harvard Kennedy School and the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) seek a qualified Research Associate to manage impact evaluations conducted by the Morocco Employment Lab. The objective of the Employment Lab is to support the creation of a culture of evidence through impact evaluations and capacity building, to strengthen existing labor market programs and improve the effectiveness of future programs and policies in Morocco.

The position offers an opportunity for the Research Associate to gain first-hand field experience in the design of impact evaluations and in collecting data in an organization undertaking cutting-edge development research. The Research Manager position requires significant training in economics and significant experience in empirical research. The holder of this position oversees research staff working across all of the Employment Lab’s projects. S/he ensures research protocols are respected and engages with local authorities and undertake administrative procedures to ensure all data collection authorizations are obtained.

In addition, S/he supports the Employment Lab Director managing relationships with donors and partners, including with report drafting. We have also posted an offer for a Senior Research Associate position but we will be hiring only one person for either of these positions. Please also review the Senior Research Associate job description and only apply to the one that fits better your skills and experience.