Field Coordinator

  • Job title: Field Coordinator
  • Reports to: Field Manager
  • Start date: November 1, 2021
  • Working hours: 40 hours/week
  • Location: Roving, with frequent travel throughout Morocco


The Field Coordinator shall primarily work on the USAID Religious and Ethnic Minorities Activity (REMA), which is implemented by the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) and its partners in Morocco. REMA collaboratively develops and pioneers a unique intercultural approach to the participatory and educational preservation of Morocco’s identity heritage. It is implemented primarily in five key locations of renowned significance to both Jewish and Christian heritage in Morocco, inclusive of former and current residents of all faiths and backgrounds. The program engages local communities in Morocco to capture, preserve, and transmit their collective memories in order for them to take ownership in the vitalization of their own histories, identities, and futures.

Field Coordinators work closely with the Field Manager to ensure the smooth operation and effective implementation of the program in various regions of Morocco, including but not limited to: organizing participatory community workshops and meetings, collection and creation of regular web and social media content and updates, including for audiovisual and written output and dissemination, as well as administrative functions. The position also supports monitoring, data collection, including GIS information for each location where program activities occur, and reporting. This roving role is a unique and exciting opportunity to live and work in various communities of Morocco preserving the stories of its rich cultural and religious heritage.