Chief of Party-USAID Morocco Inclusive Teacher Training Activity

DevTech Systems, Inc. (DevTech) is an international consulting firm dedicated to development, with 35 years of experience providing advisory services and technical assistance to government, private sector, and civil society stakeholders in more than 100 countries. DevTech core practice areas include: Monitoring and Evaluation; Knowledge Management and Data Analytics; Public Financial Management and Fiscal Sustainability; and Education, Gender, and Youth.


The purpose of the project is to improve the quality of education for deaf children and youth in Morocco. This purpose will be achieved through sustainably improving the performance and capacity of Moroccan Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and regional teacher training centers (CRMEFs) to provide quality teacher preparation and professional development in bilingual deaf education.

Position duration: July 2022 – June 2025.

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Chief of Party-USAID Morocco Inclusive Teacher Training Activity

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